Allied Academies

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Welcome Message

Welcome to the best online resource for medical conferences in 2022.

Allied Academies organizes conferences around the world on all medical subjects including Cell and Stem Cells. Here we are happy to invite all Clinicians/ Professors/ Doctors/ Researchers/Industrialists/ Delegates/ Students to join our 6th World Congress and Expo on Cell and Stem Cell Research scheduled to be held in the Virtual Conference Platform on March 16, 2022.

The main theme of the conference is “Advanced Explication in Stem Cells Research During COVID-19”, which will cover a wide range of critically important topics. The conference is a meeting for researchers to present, discuss, identify important issues, and formulate future directions for research on specific subjects.

Stem Cell 2022 conference aims to bring together some of the top academic and industry leaders in the world to shed light on the best of research in Stem Cells and Calls for some debate on the direction and growth of research in the coming decades. Our Conference holds speakers from all parts of the world in a unique platform to conjoin their explorations on Cells and Stem Cells research.

The conference’s intensive two-day program features hands-workshops, full papers, work-in-progress papers, panels, and posters. The wide-ranging topics in Stem cells showcase research from scholars working in many fields including Genetics, Tissue Engineering, Neurological Disorders, Regenerative Medicine, Gene Therapy.

The Stem Cell 2022 will also include a scientific exhibition, where leading companies will display the state-of-the-art products that have found clinical acceptance with particular relevance to the delivery of quality patient care.

Our speakers loved the atmosphere and environment of our past conventions and we're sure you'll like it too.

Join now to find the best of Education and Medical Conferences. Register now and we can keep you informed of the events that will interest you.

Let us meet in one of the most glorious cities in the world.


Organizing Committee
Stem Cell 2022

About Conference

Stem Cell 2022 Conference Aims and Objectives:

Stem Cell 2022 is amalgamated and dedicated to bringing together a substantial number of different academic activities within the conference system for presentation. During the conference, events can occur over a span of time depending on the number and duration of the presentations. It offers exceptional value for professors, academicians, and researchers in the industry, with its high quality.

Stem Cell 2022: Allied Academies "6th World Congress and Expo on Cell and Stem Cell Research " aims to bring together leading prominent scientists, researchers and research scholars on all aspects of Cell Science and Stem Cells to discuss and share their insights and study findings. It also offers a leading interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the latest developments, patterns, and concerns, as well as the practical problems faced and the approaches, embraced in the fields of Stem Cells.

Call for abstracts:

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to participate and help shape the conference by sending abstracts, articles, and e-posters of their work. In addition, high-quality research submissions documenting original and unpublished findings of conceptual, positive, analytical, experimental, or theoretical studies in all areas of Stem Cells and Molecular Biology are cordially invited to the conference for presentation. The conference is requesting submissions from abstracts, articles, and e-posters that discuss the conference's themes and subjects, including statistics, tables, and references from novel research materials.

Abstract Submission for Authors:

Please ensure that your abstract submission should be as per the abstract template on the conference website for accepting scholarly papers.

Abstract Submission Link:


Send your Abstract to: [email protected]

Conference Proceedings:

All conference papers submitted are to be peer-reviewed by three qualified reviewers. In the Open Science Encyclopedia, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Zenedo, OpenAIRE, BASE, WorldCAT, Sherpa / RoMEO, and other encyclopedia repositories, the peer-reviewed conference proceedings are indexed. 

Special Journal Issues:

The Special Journal Issue on Cell and Stem Cells co-operated with Stem Cell 2022. A selection of selected high-impactful-text papers is also to be considered for the special issues of the journal. Both papers submitted for this special issue of the Journal will have the opportunity to be published. The collection of papers will take place during the peer review process as well as during the presentation stage of the meeting. Any other journal or website must not accept submitted articles. The final decision for paper selection will be taken together on the basis of peer review reports from the Guest Editors and the Editor-in-Chief. Selected full-text articles are available free of charge online.


Registration Fee Details


Type (Virtual Mode)

Standard Fee

Only Speaker Registration


Delegate Registration


Young Research Forum


                            Student Delegate


Video Presentation




Full-Length Article Publication





Type (Virtual Mode)

Standard Fee

Only Speaker Registration


Delegate Registration


Video Presentation





For Group Registration

Contact: Ms. Susan Jones
Program Director | Stem Cell 2022
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +44 7537171588

Past Conference Report & Market Analysis

Allied Academies has organizedannual conferences since 2000. Below you can find information about pastconference report.

Details of StemCell Forum 2019

Conference Short Name



Stem Cell 2019

Edinburg, Scotland

June 10-11, 2019


A total of 128participants from 37 countries attended. Fifty-seven talks and 60 posters werepresented.

Past ConferencePortrait of Stem Cell 2019


With the enormous pleasure, wewould like to thank all the keynote speakers, plenary speakers, youngresearchers, students, business delegates and media partners for making StemCell 2019 a glorious and victorious event.

Gracious response and activeparticipation were received from the Editorial Board Members of supportingInternational Journals as well as from the leading academic scientists,researchers, research scholars, students and leaders from the fields CellBiology and Stem Cells who made this event successful.

The Scientists, BusinessDelegates, Young researchers marked the attendance at the conferencerepresenting more than 50 countries, have driven the conference path to a greatsuccess.

Stem Cell 2019 Keynotelectures were highlighted:

  1. Andriana Margariti | Queen'sUniversity Belfast | United Kingdom
  2. Ramon Castellanos | USA Stem CellClinic | USA
  3. Suresh Vatsyayann | WaikatoUniversity | New Zealand
  4. Shixiang Wang | Chinese Academyof Sciences | China
  5. Vasilina Sergeeva | ResearchCentre for Medical Genetics | Russia
  6. Elly NGAN | University of HongKong | Hong Kong
  7. Vivek P. Shah | NorthwesternUniversity | USA
  8. Sergey Suchkov | SechenovUniversity | Russia
  9. Deokate Ganesh Dnyaneshwar |Executive formulation Research & Development | India
  10. Batoul Hussein Jishi | AmericanUniversity of Beirut | Lebanon
  11. Debasish Maiti | TripuraUniversity | India
  12. Dimitrios Karussis | HebrewUniversity | Jerusalem
  13. Sadek Farouk Queiri | HarvardMedical School |USA
  14. SUMA WIRAWAN| Udayana University| Italy
  15. Tripura Sundari | OsmaniaUniversity | India
  16. Wamdah Ahmed Mohamed | SudanUniversity of Science & Technology | Sudan
  17. Kenneth Okaeben | PolytechnicIbadan | Nigeria
  18. Chen Te-Fe | Non-Invasive CancerTherapy Research Institute | China
  19. Stefaan Verhulst | VrijeUniversiteit Brussel | Belgium
  20. Anjali | Jamia Hamdard University| India
  21. Dennis M Lox | Sports and RegenerativeMedicine Centers | USA
  22. Kristen Ashlee Robinson |University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center | USA

The conference abstracts were given with DOInumbers in the Journal of Biomedical Research: Current Research. The conferencewas embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of interestingkeynote and plenary lectures delivered by both Honourable Guests and members ofthe organizing committee. Finally, the day ended up with Poster sessions and astudent were given with the best poster award as judged by the keynotespeakers.

Market Analysis

The global stem celltherapy market is projected to reach USD 401 million by 2026 from USD 187million in 2021, at a CAGR of 16.5% during the forecast period. Market growthis driven mainly by factors such as rising stem cell research activities and increasingapprovals of GMP-certified facilities to manufacture stem cells. The increasingdemand for iPSCs as an alternative to ESCs and the growing demand for cell& gene therapies are also expected to support the growth of this market inthe coming years.

COVID-19 and Stem Cellresearch market

Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID?19) is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by severe acuterespiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV). Largely unknown before theoutbreak began in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, COVID-19 has moved from aregional crisis to a global pandemic in just a few weeks. The World HealthOrganization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.Researchers have been finding new therapies and treatments to deal with thispandemic. In the last few years, stem cellshave been proven to be an effective method to treat pulmonary disorders,including COVID-19.

Geographically, the stem celltherapy market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW.In 2020, North America accounted for the largest share of the stem cell therapymarket, followed by Asia Pacific and Europe.

Key Market Players

Key players in the stem celltherapy market include Smith & Nephew (UK), MEDIPOST Co., Ltd. (SouthKorea), Anterogen Co., Ltd. (South Korea), PHARMICELL Co., Ltd. (South Korea),JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (Japan), and NuVasive, Inc. (US).

Analysis Report in UK

Why to attend:

4th World Congress andExpo on Cell and Stem Cell Research is such a stage that will in general talkabout and investigate new thoughts for treatment and the executives of Stem CellDisorders. The principle subject of the meeting is to raise clinical andessential research covering the whole range of premiums identified with the Stem Cell.

Major Associations around theGlobe:

  • International Society for Stem CellResearch
  • Stem Cell Research Italy
  • American Association for theadvancement of science (Stem Cell)
  • International Society for StemCell Research
  • German Stem Cell Network
  • California Institute forRegenerative Medicine
  • New York Stem CellFoundation
  • Astellas Institute forRegenerative Medicine
  • Gladstone Institutes
  • International Society for CellularTherapy (ISCT)
  • British Society for Gene and CellTherapy
  • GeneTherapy - American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 12-13, 2022
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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