Yukio Yoneda has completed his PhD from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. He is the Professor Emeritus in Kanazawa University, where he worked as a Chairman Professor of Pharmacology from 1999 to 2015. In 1980-1981, he worked with the late Dr. Eugene Roberts, who was the finder of GABA in the brain, at the City of Hope Research Institute, USA. He has published more than 300 original research papers and is serving as an Associate Editor in several reputed international journals such as Neurochemistry International, Neurochemical Research and Journal of Neuroscience Research, in addition to playing a role as an Editorial Board member in other scientific journals. His research interests have been lying on pharmacological profiling of amino acid signaling in neuronal and non-neuronal cells using molecular biological techniques. As a return of laboratory experimental results to the community, he is now focusing on the development of dietary supplements beneficial for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of different diseases, in addition to collaborating with domestic and foreign academic colleagues.
Pharmacological profiling of amino acid signaling in neuronal and non-neuronal cells using molecular biological techniques, development of dietary supplements beneficial for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of different diseases